
The website nedlogacademy.com is owned and operated by Nedlog Academy Private Limited. Nedlog Academy is an online educational web site only.

The information provided herein is general and is not tailored to any specific portfolio. Depending on all the Data or any other information is at user’s own risk. These are the views of tradeachievers.com only and are in the form of Financial Market Research. Under no circumstances it is to be considered as an offer to facilitate trading in the Forex, Stock, Commodity market or a solicitation to buy or sell any security and/or options, futures, commodities,etc. Nedlog Academy does not accept any liability arising out of use of the information/articles. No representations can be made that the recommendations contained herein will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Past performances are not necessarily indicative of future results. There are risk’s involved in futures, options, equities and Forex trading and it is not suitable for everyone.

Any income claims are typical of top performers not all users and your results will vary. The results presented here are from the testing and trading conducted by Nedlog Academy as well as reported in testimonials from members using the systems

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Information contained in this product are not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain. That is your decision. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. tradeachievers.com is intended for educational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice.